Is the Metaverse dead in a post-pandemic world
As the pandemic fades, so does the interest in the Metaverse. Explore the hypothesis that the Metaverse’s initial appeal was tied to fulfilling a basic human need for deeper social interactions, and what its future holds.
How VR Invades Your Privacy Through Body Language
Is your body language the next password? UC Berkeley’s latest research unveils a startling revelation about VR and identity. Can the subtle sway of your hips or the tilt of your head really betray who you are in the virtual world? Dive in to uncover the truth and decide: Is this the future you’re ready for
The Metaverse: Three Obstacles and the Uncertain Path Ahead
Ever wondered why the Metaverse, with all its buzz, feels like it’s lagging behind its potential? Dive into the challenges it faces, from the limitations of VR headsets to the nuances of avatar interactions. Discover the innovative solutions on the horizon and join the conversation on shaping the Metaverse’s future. Don’t miss out on this deep dive into three challenges and the road ahead.
The Realities Continuum: Navigating the Future
In the world of technology and business, we often hear about the “Industrial Revolutions” – the major shifts in technology and industry that have shaped our world. From the first Industrial Revolution, which introduced mechanization through water and steam power, to the second that brought us mass production with the help of electricity, and the third that ushered in the era of computers and automation. Now, we’re in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.